Monday, August 27, 2007

great is his faithfullness

this verse stood out to me and it has been underlined in my bible as god gave it to me years before.joshua 3 7 and the lord said to joshua,'this day i will begin to exalt you in the sight of all israel that they may know that as i was with moses so will i be with you.i was praying yesterday about the things we would be needing for the food pantry and asking god to raise up people to help out, knowing this was good ground. thinking about the verse about the widows and orphans and fatherless, and praying how can we give some things for school supplies and the perishable things that no food pantry ever gives cause it doesnt keep long like milk, meats fresh fruit, etc. and praying and reminding him i was believing to visit four families on monday. well i looked in the cupboard at church and saw alot of things enough for two families but none of these perishable things i had prayed for. but i told god he is a big god and he could do anything and i would trust him. if he sent us he would have to provide. well a little after that i got an email from a family represented in our friday night prayer group, felt god was leading them to sow into this ministry. i couldnt stop crying and thanking god for them. there seed is enough to bless these four families with all those things we had prayed for. and the two families we know we are going to for sure have been asking god for some of these things to think e provided this at this time is by no accident. i pray for a hundred fold blessing for this family that gave , and for them to know that they are just as vital a part to these salvations represented as lisa and i, without other people we cant do it. god bless them and to god be ALL the glory.

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