Tuesday, March 11, 2008

week of rest

got a break from driving for the week as our test was postponed. i needed it, but now is time to go over all i have learned. please pray for me, as this is the hardest thing i have done in a long time, and i have put in the most effort ever........... lisa and i spent the day together and she is doing better, she is going to go to school to be a cna, so please keep her in prayer as she launches out to new beginnings. she misses her dad but he did not suffer. thank god. and he left the girls something which no one would ever want that way but it will help her in her new start........she already started giving, her compassion for people has grown in leaps and bounds, god has used her tremendously,she cares about people. this comes from god. praise jesus. we will be paving the church driveway soon as the new pastor has had this burden from the start. it will be nice to not drive in a ton of mud any more. the new pastors are restoring some order back we lost. we ahve grown in leaps and bounds and i like how we all have maintained our positions but we still need to learn and be teachable. always more to learn.......i was thinking the other day how i never mention the berubes and how involved they have been in all that has gone on. they are so plugged in to the growth in every way, i am thankful to have both of them in our body. and eunice, isabelle, lynn, karen kibbe and grace. and marc and tom from worship team have grown in leaps and bounds. god is so faithful even when we are not so faithful to everything. i know this first hand. it is humbling.........and our new pastor donna functions in the prophetic and it flows freely, something i have not ever seen. wow god has brought us a long.....way.pastor frank has such a heart for people. he looves them and you can see his heart is for us to grow in our relationship with jesus, god has quite a team there, and i believe we are going to grow a lot. the word that comes is refining, ugh...........sorry god but i know growing and stretching sometimes hurts.but is necessary.my worst times in the natural have been some of my best times in spiritual growth, but it wasnt easy but when i look back it was all necessary and beneficial to me in the long run to my walk with god. i have so far to go. food pantry is a little slower but steady, its funny how it works perfectly with my time available. i have a delivery on thursday to a lady i have been praying for . for years now. she was so glad it was me and i was glad it was her, please pray i can minister to her every way god wants. well the easter musical is soon, the princess ministry is soon whether jenna does it or me, i am not sure yet, and vbs is coming. preparation........ i am excited, tired but excited. i just gotta pass this test and go on from there. julie lightner has invited me down with cathy in may, hope time permits this as it would be so nice to see julie and family, i love them they are a great family and jules is fun..............i could really enjoy spending some time with her and the kid must have grown so much. well, god willing.

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