Sunday, September 23, 2007


wow, god is so good. went to church to a whirlwind of unbelievable donations to the food pantry ministry. i said we will need another cabinet and another refrigerator here soon. praise god. three teams will be going out this week. praise god...................... byron came for the first time in a while, he looks so tired, my heart just goes out to this family, we love them. he said he couldnt believe all the buzz with the food pantry and how everyone was working together busy doing something, even getting a donation of furniture for the mom with the two children and the babysitter. praise god..............pastor graves message was on not taking everything the enemy throws our way, some things we just dont have to receive. we are more than conquerors thru christ who loves us. rema for me as i have been hit on everyside, please pray for jordan as his breathing was terrible again, now im going after this with gods word. no weapon formed against me shall prosper and as i have always said you form it against one of my children you formed it against me.,by the stripes of jesus jordan is healed. praise god..............all the people will look and acknowledge that my children are the posterity the lord has blessed. halleluhah, jesus.

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