Saturday, July 21, 2007


last nights prayer meeting was life changing.......there were about half the people there but god has moved on everyone, i feel, especially me. i heard someone say ''spiritual surgery' god had moved on me thru the holy spirit a few days earlier but this was radical..........i feel as though he was going to the deep places of childhood hurts and healing them, breaking strongholds, and preparing me for what is to come. there has been thru the years and the last few weeks confirmation to the calling on my life. i pray wholeheartedly to walk worthy and to not take this lightly. i believe and say this humbly knowing god has spoken this to me already so many times, prophetic, evangelism and the laying on of hands. i am so humbled......... the gifts of the spirit were so in unison and functioning to a level that was amazing and it was beautiful to watch. ''apart from him we can do nothing..........but thru him, watch out. we are in revival, and what comes next. evangelism to the lost of stafford springs. oh the people the lord is going to touch, thru his grace. i pray we will all prepare and watch god move with a force to take back ground the enemy has stolen. how the enemy must be trembling now. praise god and to him be all the glory........b

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