Friday, May 2, 2008


i officially started instructing today. my first student was a 17 year old named chelsea. it was her second time out with the school but after a very short time i asked her if her parents have taken her out. she said all the time. so first lesson was to be 17 again, your whole life ahead of you and you dont even know it................choices..........its all about the choices.................paul is taking me out tommorow lokking for a good gps, reasonabily priced. so please pray for me. church ha sbeen great, pastor preached on you are either a christain or you or not. both feet in. kinda hard teaching as i feel one foot in the other at the edge. im tired...............i try to do to much in my own strength. please pray for me, iasked for prayer for food pantry as i need help, i asked for that, but god can only get people motivated, and he has perfect timing. i just feel because im in charge what doesnt get done is mine and that is true. i have always known being the head of something is alot of responsbility. i want these people to know jesus loves them and surrender their lives to him. only god can do that too. lisa starts school may 19, please pray for her as i can only imagine, biology will be her field. ugh................i got to talk to the man named charlie about god alst night at the baseball game, and he is longing to know jesus. i was at a loss for words. he has a stump for a leg and it hurts all the time and he showed it to us and i just kept thinking god..what are you gonna do about this? it makes me cry. please pray for him, and me if i am suppose to lead him cause i dont know what to say.

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