Sunday, May 10, 2009

been a while

wow. havent blogged as i am busy. work, baseball, training. i resigned my position as head of food pantry, i felt led to resign for awhile, but knew god wanted me to stay to wait for who was to take my place and bring this ministry to the next level. so i am finishing my last month, although i will always help in any capapcity i am needed. i am happy to say rose is our new coordinator with lisa as assistant. i couldnt think of anyone i would feel more at peace to hand it over to. and the vision she has is inspiring. praise god. our church is growing in leaps and bounds, the childrens ministry is on fire and i am thrilled that we now have a youth pastor. sterling key. 21 and on fire for god. july is youth camp and the church is going to pay for most of this. the treasurer is now a paid position. the cleaning of the church is a paid position. man i am in awe of god . pastor kris and his wife are holy spirit led people with a genuine love for people. i do not see how something can not be coming as soon there will be no room for all these people. well i know god doesnt close one door without opening another when we are ready. so what is up ahead for me? i am excited.........waiting with anticipation. i am not on the fence and ready to go. pastor kris's team keeps beating us in our baseball games and i told him today we are sick of getting beat by them. man..................i am excited as warm weather is almost here, and maybe by july i can start teaching classes. they are so far away and to fit the times in my schedule is hard but i am determined. i will still instruct as i feel effective , but teaching will get me out of sitting in that car. i hope i will be effective here. i never realized that i have patience. but i do. i want to see them succeed. but i feel i talk to much. i can get this out with teaching. i am truly a people person. the kids are all doing well, the grandchildren are all growing up and man i am getting older. i would like to say wiser. maybe in some areas, but not a si should be. god will help me. please pray for us, and rose , and lisa as i know this food ministry now called''helping hands'' is going to grow. it is gods will. god bless

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