Monday, August 25, 2008

sundays service

pastor kris preached his second service, it continued on ''love wins'' he has been staying with the mesereaus and now they have invited his wife and four children to come stay with them also. praise god he will have his family here with him. what touched me was when one of our moms stood up to give a testimony about how god had provided the money for school clothes, she was so thankful and all she owed was 100 and she could handle that. well pastor kris says i will give you 50 of that will any one match me? that started a mega blessing from many that rolled into this young moms hands. she couldnt stop crying and i had to hold back the tears. it trickles down from the head and i have never seen this happen before, i have always believed if we all helped each other in times of need there would never be a need not met in our body. i stand in awe of gods faithfullness. to god be all the glory...............i have felt tired lately, going out here and there for the food pantry and lisa goes out to, but we havent had any time to go together as we are both working now on different schedules. i feel like it is settling in to natural now, it cannot always be the mountain top. god is working on me in thta area. work is good i have met some really interesting teenagers. one of the instructors that has been there a long time says i am buiding quite a reputaion and the kids love to have me as there instrutor. well thats a god thing, please keep me in prayer as in the fall i will be doing advanced training to also be a classroom instuctor. this is like twice the work and you know how hard i had to work for this. god help me, please... i like this age group. just praying to keep level headed leading 40 at a time in a classroom setting and keeping them focused on what i will be teaching. ugh. i want to do this so i will do the best i can. praise god for the opportunity.

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