Friday, November 2, 2007

god is on the move

wow what a week, i am a little tired. packed our 9th box of food today since sunday, cannot believe we ministerd to nine families with food this week. praise god, his hand is in this all the way, and now we have a church full of clothes to give away, i have already found a few food pantry families willing to come in and take a look, what a way to get them in to meet some more of us. praise did take a little toll on me, i just want to get under the covers and go to sleep. thank god for rose, the practical one who keeps me grounded, she says we dont have to do everything in one day.........praise god. looks like we may be losing our interim pastor, that made me almost cry as he has grown on us which must mean our permanent one is coming. cannot wait to see who god has for us, thank god pastor graves isnt staying any longer if i was already about to cry.........i thank god for the time we have had him, and know he is being prepared to be someones pastor, i pray he walks out all god has for him..............blessings in abundance to him.....our weigh down has built quite a few new relationships with the community, i love this class, and the sharing of our lives and gods word. what an array of different gifts and personalities. life is exciting, i feel i am being prepared for something.......i feel i have been in preparation for years for what is ahead. what is god up to? it is exciting to think about, well going to rest now.......................let the lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants..................

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